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blog archives 2007-2010


Here is our blog archives recording the history of LOST GRAVITY from 2007 to 2010.

These posts were hosted in our old myspace page but then deleted from the server when they changed it into the new myspace.

Below you’ll find time travel at its best.


  • 13th Nov 2006

Hey there, this is my project, Lost Gravity. Heavy rock tunes combining simplicity to captivating riffs.

As it happens in almost every band, there are always problems finding the right people with to share the same musical visions. Due to this problem, I wrote and recorded all the songs in my home studio using electronic drums. This is just an instrumental pre-production of an upcoming album to be recorded as soon as the right musicians are found.

The idea for the name came from the ‘what goes around comes around’ principle. It’s an analogy for the positive and negative energy that we are constantly throwing away in our lives using our actions and words.

Lost Gravity means absolute freedom, nothing holding you back, nothing putting you down. And this freedom can only be obtained once all the negative energy that flows from oneself is reduced to zero. No more negative energy going around means no more negative coming around. So you are free to fly, without wings, without motors or any special paraphernalia. You are in Lost Gravity.

  • 3rd Aug 2007

We have LOST GRAVITY: a full band!

Hello myspace friends, real friends, brothers and sisters,

This is our very first bulletin. We were waiting to reach 1000 plays before posting it 😉

I am glad to say that finally we are a real band! After the departure of our bassist and a couple of months looking for a singer and a drummer I am pleased to say that the search is over!

Chrisy is back on the sticks, Al is the new voice and Jon sounds great playing that fat four (specially when he uses that little distortion box…lol). We are all very excited with the jams we have had and the new stuff is flowing very easily!

We will be uploading some new tracks here very soon, so keep an ‘ear’ on us.

Thank you all for your support!


  • 11th Oct 2007

news 10/07

Hello folks,

I know, we always wait for “a thousand something” to come before posting a new blog. This time we’ve reached 1000 profile views being checked out from Hawaii to Japan (and Singapore – thanks Puto!).

Things are going very well! We’ve been writing some cool new songs and last weekend we started recording our demo. Chrisy did a great job on the drums! We’re all looking forward to finishing it off and uploading some new tracks here. I hope you will like them! J

Tomorrow night (Fri, 12th October) we are playing our debut gig. You can find the details on our main page. It would be great to see you there and have a few!

Thanks again for all your support!


  • 17th Oct 2007

12/10/2007 debut gig

Hello folks,

We’d like to thank you all who came down to our gig on Friday nite! It was great to see you there and we hope you all had a good time! We surely did!!! 🙂

We’re now taking the next 2 weeks to finish off our demo and as soon as the first tracks are mixed we will be uploading them here.

Stay tuned and we hope to see you soon!


  • 14th Dec 2007


Hello folks,

I really don’t know how many of you read this. Anyway, I’d like to thank everyone who’s been checking us out as this week we’ve reached 2.000 plays! My apologies for not having uploaded the full tracks yet as promised in our last blog.

The reason is that our “2 weeks to finish off our demo” turned out to be 2 months (as the title of this blog says).

Many things have changed in the last 2 months. And the main change is: Al and Jon have left the band.

I’d like to thank you, Jon and Al, for the time together and for the fun playing our ‘one and only’ gig with you guys. Different goals mean different ways. I wish you two the best of luck on your music and keep rocking guys.

Now that the special thanks session is done, I’d like to tell everyone that we are carrying on auditions for the new singer and bassist. As soon as we’ve got the new “chosen ones” we will let you know.

Meanwhile take care of yourselves and rock on!


  • 22nd Jan 2008


Hello folks,After some weeks of silence we’ve got some news for you:Lost Gravity has got a new vocalist! Mariek is our new voice and we’re sounding heavier than ever!Finally we are finishing off the demo (yep, it took us a couple of months to do it). Only two songs left to be recorded and once the mixing is done you will be able to check out the new full band.I hope you all are having a great year and we’ll see you soon!


  • 13th Feb 2008

news update Feb ’08

Hey hey, it’s time to blog again!

We’ve just had our last rehearsal before tomorrow’s gig (technically tonite).It was very cool! We are sounding heavy heavy  HEAVY!! (have you ever had a buzz in your ears? lol – ringing out loud!).

I would like to ask you all to come down tonite and support us as it’s gonna be our first gig with Luke and Mariek aboard (the new 50% of the band). It’s hard to believe that with only 4 rehearsals we are ready to play 8 songs (sorry if that sounds a bit arrogant, folks, but it’s really amazing how fast we did it and we are proud of it).

Also, there’s gonna be a surprise! We’ll be playing a cover song… it’s a surprise so I can’t tell you what song it is…… although now that you know that there is a surprise, it’s not a surprise anymore, innit? 🙂 I know that many of you don’t wanna go see a band playing someone else’s song but in this case it’s not a band playing someone else’s song. It is Lost Gravityplaying **** 😉

Alrite, I’ve been writing too much bullsh**, it’s time to sign off!

See you soon!


  • 21st Apr 2008

5000 plays

Hey, it’s been a long time since my last blog and so many things have happened in the last 2 months. I’ll try and explain the main things from the little rockin’ world of Lost Gravity.

In February we played our first gig with the new line up in a pub called The Fiddler’s Elbow in Chalk Farm (13/02/2008). It was a funny night: good sound, cool lights and a lot of our friends were there, about 35 of them, on a cold Wednesday night, very surprising! If you wanna have a little taster from that night, please check out the video of Selfish on our web page. It was a very cool gig!

So, after that we had over 2 weeks off and played a gig at The Bull and Gate (07/03/08), thanks to our top friends Dan Beaulaurier and Grace Solero, who unfortunately had to cancel their appearance. It was a very last minute gig (less than 24h) and the place was not full even though it was a Friday nite. Still, we had a good time! It really makes a big difference playing with a decent sound system!

We took the following 3 weeks to rehearse and work on new material. That’s when some musical differences started to show up. Mariek and Luke wanted to go for a heavier style while Chrisy and I wanted to stick with what we have always done.

At the end of March we played a gig in a place called Leonards (28/03/08). The stage was very small and the sound was bad! I don’t think we will ever play there again!

After another 2 week break we played a great gig at The Dry Bar (12/04/08). It was so much fun! The sound was great (good job Marcio – the soundguy). That was probably our best show! (maybe I was too pissed… lol)

Anyway, now we are going through an odd period. We have two gigs booked up and in the meantime we are auditioning new bassists. Hopefully we’ll find someone who enjoys our music and brings some new cool ideas that fits into the band.

I am optimistic and am pretty sure I’ll be blogging here again very soon, telling you all about the new Lost Gravity line-up!

Rock on!


  • 9th May 2008


Just a short message to say that we’ve got a new bassist, Costas.

If you wanna see the new band come to our next gig on Saturday the 17th of May ’08 at The Bull and Gate. We will be onstage at 8.30pm. Rock on!!!


  • 15th Jul 2008


Hello everyone, it’s been a while.

I will try to write down what has happened in the Lost Gravity world lately. There have been so many different things that I feel that I have to split this blog in two parts:

going up:Our new bassist Costas C. joined the band two months ago and brought some “fresh noise” to the band. With a cool proper rock tone we sound better, heavier and louder than ever!We played a gig at The Bull and Gate (Saturday – 17/05/2008) which was our best so far! Many of our friends came along and supported us. It was a perfect night! That gig made me think that for the first time we are a “100% band”, full on, no weak points, no bullshit!After a few weeks break, we played a gig at The Art Theatre Club (Thursday– 12/06/2008). It was okay, the sound didn’t help. The stage was very small but still it was a good night, we got pissed and had lots of fun!After that gig we planned to write new stuff and record a new demo but it never happened. It was a kind of ‘forced’ break due to unforeseen circumstances (as they always say). I still don’t know what happened in those weeks to be honest.Two days ago (Sunday 13/07/2008)we played a cool gig at The Fiddler’s Elbow, one of our best ever! The vibe was chilled and the venue was not full but the soundman at that place always does a great job! It’s a shame that I can’t remember his name to mention here. Sorry, mate…Yesterday morning: a bad hangover and the feeling that we are heading towards the right direction. Finally we have the right line up and everyone in the band knows that we get better and better after every single jam.

going down:After all the “ups” just described above and all the expectations to what comes next, yesterday evening I received a phone call from my good friend and great drummer Chrisy. For my surprise (and everyone else’s I guess) he informed me that he is no longer playing in Lost Gravity. It’s quite sad to see him departing, after all he’s been in the band since the beginning, Aug/2007. In his official announcement he said:

Hey guys,

So the search for a new band mate has started again. We will be holding auditions soon and I am sure that I will be blogging here again in a little while telling you all some good news!Meanwhile we will be writing new stuff and I hope to see you soon, my friends!



  • 17th Jul 2008


If you have read my previous blog probably you can guess what I am writing about now:

Twenty four hours after the departure of our drummer Chrisy Finny, I received an email from our bassist Costas informing that he is also no longer jamming with Lost Gravity.

Now it’s time to search for new musicians, once again!

Thank you all for your support!


  • 18th Nov 2008

news from the South

Hello my friends,

It’s been a while since my last blog. So many unexpected things happened back in Aug and Sep that a time off was really needed. A very well deserved two-months-time-away-from-everything has been great! If you ever need it, go for it… do it! 🙂

After the departure of our drummer and bassist (I hope you are doing well, guys!) a few frustrating auditions back in Aug influenced me to take this break (plus some personal shit not worth mentioning here).

Now finally things have cleared up and here I am blogging again, writing from Brazil this time… (37 degrees is damn hot, trust me…lol).

I’ve been working on some new tracks and they sound nice! 🙂 It was about time to have some fresh stuff and hopefully I will have them recorded by Jan ’09.

The music direction is basically the same, just a little heavier! I am really excited about it and enjoying using some chords inversions. I hope you will like it!

That’s all I wanted to say for now… rock on!


  • 31st Jan 2009

Jan ’09

Hello folks,

Firstly, I’d like to thank all of our new friends from all over the world, specially those in America and Japan. Guys, thanks for your support, it means a lot really!!!

I’ve received 1200 messages in the last 10 days and I am trying to reply to as many as I can. Unfortunately I may not be able to reply to all of them but I am trying my best! 🙂 I’ve read every single message and I am very happy about your feedback! Thanks a lot!

Two nights ago we had a great jam at the old Scar Studios and I am glad to say that we’ve got 2 new members in the band: Peter van der Laan on the drums (all the way from Holland) and Steve Reddihough on the four strings!

We sounded really tight for a first session and I am very happy about it! We are going to gig again soon as well as start writing new stuff. There are at least 30 new music ideas and I will be picking up the best ones for the next songs.

That’s it for now! Hope you guys are doing well and if you are on facebook, please join the group LOST GRAVITY. There is not much there at the moment, but stay tuned cos more news is coming soon! 😉

Rock on!!


  • 16th Feb 2009

Feb ’09

Hello folks,

Just a quick message:

If you guys are on Facebook, we now have our music page there. Check it out on  and please join the group!

We are also on Lastfm where you can listen to our music in better quality compared to the myspace player.

Also I’d like to ask you guys that if you have a little free space on your page for our LG banner that would be great! Just send me an email and I will send you the code.

Thanks a lot for your support and keep rocking!


  • 28th Feb 2009

Feb ’09 update

Hello guys, how are you keeping?All good in the LG world, the music is getting really tight with the new guys and we’ve been working on some new heavy stuff! We are all pretty happy about how things are going and the vibe is great! Never been this good before!Unfortunately, our singer Mariek has decided to quit the band. We made music together for over a year and he did a great job! Good luck on your new musical ways, mate!So now we will be carrying out auditions to find our new frontman. Hopefully the search won’t take too long! And as my friend Carla said “better things are round the corner“. Thanks again for your support, Carla!I will keep you guys updated!Rock on!!


  • 18th Mar 2009

Mar ’09

Hey guys, how are you doing?All good here and I’ve got some news:The search is over, Lost Gravity have found a new voice! We are pleased to say that Heath Billin is our new frontman!We are already working on some new stuff and it is going great! It sounds totally like……… Lost Gravity!  I can’t wait to have it recorded!Alrite, that’s it for now… thank you all for your messages and comments!Rock on!!


  • 6th Jun 2009


Hey guys, wassup?

First of all, I’d like to say thanks to all of you who thought I had died last Sunday. Thanks for your concern and messages, my friends!It is a funny blog first line, isn’t it?  But this is not a joke! For those of you who don’t know, I was in an air france airbus from Brazil to Paris same time when that other plane crashed. I’ve been thinking lots about how cool it is to be alive! One day you are here and another day who knows where you are going to be? So enjoy life while you are alive!

Anyway, let’s talk about music!

Things are going well with Lost Gravity!! We’ve a got a couple of new songs and they sound really cool! For the first time we are working as a proper band and not as a bunch of “individuals” who wants to play his own music in a band.Heath and I have been working together on lots of songs ideas and we are all very happy with the result!

So far, there are 4 new songs: All the SameFriendly FireToo Much and New Song IV, plus another 2 old ideas that keep coming back during our rehearsals: India(probably an instrumental track) and The Ballad of April.

When we started writing our new material we decided to have a new EP recorded by May, but our plans changed (again… lol)! Blame it on our busy personal schedules! I was away for 10 days, Heath was in America for 2 weeks, Peter in Holland for a week and now Steve is in Thailand for another week. All in all we have ‘wasted’ about 6 weeks… c’est la vie!

So the plan now is to go out there, play a couple of gigs, have fun and make the band even tighter before going into studio.

That’s it for now! Enjoy summer guys (or winter, depending on where you are) and I will keep you updated on what is going on with Lost Gravity!

Hope to see you in one of our gigs!

Rock on!!


  • 6th Jul 2009


Hey guys,

Yesterday we played our first gig with the new line up and it was great, just as we expected!

We met at 2pm in Camden to drive up to Guildford, we were supposed to be onstage at 4pm but as we were leaving London we got stuck in traffic for over one hour and had to move our stage time to 5pm. Fortunately Steve had some AC/DC and Megadeth albums in the van.

The pub was cool (apart from those granny’s curtains behind the stage! photos coming soon, if we get them from the promoter…) but in a hot sunny day you really can’t expect a big crowd to turn up. Still, those who were there seemed to have a good time watching us live and that’s what matters!

The sound was bad! No one in the band could hear anything and we were practically playing without monitors which can be tough sometimes (if you are a musician you know what I mean…) but that doesn’t mean we enjoyed the gig any less!

We played a few new songs for the first time and they sounded awesome! They are Friendly FireToo Muchand All The Same. (I must write here that All The Sameis my favourite out of the new ones).

Our next gig now is in less than 2 weeks time at The Gaffin Holloway Road. If you are in London, come down because it will be a great night!

That’s all for now guys.

Rock on!!


  • 4th Sep 2009

summer ’09

Hey guys, what’s up?

It’s been a while, things got pretty busy and I just didn’t have the time to write about what is going on in the band. I will try to remember what happened in the last 2 months.


Two days before our gig at  we had an amazing rehearsal and we were at our best! We played Heath’s new song  for the first time and decided to do it live after one rehearsal only (not surprisingly we f***** it up at the gig and funnily enough it ended up on youtube:

Talking about that gig now, it didn’t go very well. There was a shit vibe going on in the band and it definitely affected our performance! Then we got there to find out that our stage time had changed, we were on at 10pm instead of 9pm as planned. Then a couple of pints in that extra hour had its effect. And to add more s*** to it, the sound on stage was awful! (strange because on soundcheck we could hear everything!) In short, it was probably our worst gig! And to end the night with style, we didn’t get paid… What a night to forget!

Our drummer Peter and I were hardly talking to each other and not having fun playing in the same band so it was time to move on. We had a really good time and I’d like to say thanks again for the pints and your time in the band, mate!


We started looking for a new drummer. For a couple of weeks, a couple of drummers (or shall I say dreamers?) wasted our time in the auditions until we found our new drummer, Mike Lasota. In only one week and 2 rehearsals Mike got to learn 11 songs, very impressive!

We played our first gig with the new line up in Milton Keynes at . It was incredible and the crowd reaction was amazing! I’d like to say thanks again to Andy from for having us on. It makes such a difference when we work with a nice promoter! We’re looking forward to playing at  again!

Two days later we played in London at . It is a new venue for live music and the promoter is still figuring out how to put bands on. We literally played “in a box” with no monitors, no lights and to basically no one! Still, we had a good time and gave our best! We played for nearly 1 hour and for the first time ever we had a drums solo in our set, it was cool!


Last night we played at . Cool venue, good stage, decent sound and great crowd (photos coming soon)!

We all had a good time and it was one of our best gigs ever! (although we f***** up the beginning of again! lol).I would like to thank all of you guys who came to see us!

We were supposed to play a gig tomorrow in Grays but unfortunately it has been cancelled. Our next gig now is in London on the 24th of September at . It would be great to see you there! Specially you guys who haven’t seen the band live yet.

Rock on!!


  • 29th Sep 2009

so…what’s next?

Hey guys,

Summer is over and last Thursday we played our last summer gig at . It was brilliant, probably our best gig ever! It was a nice little place and the crowd reaction was fantastic! Our set list was extended and that obviously extended our enjoyment.

This current line up is far the best Lost Gravity line up we have ever had! Mike is feeling much more comfortable on the drums and the whole thing is just flowing very well!

One week earlier we played at . It was a last minute gig and it was pissing down! On that day it rained more than the monthly average. As a result we ended up playing in front of the soundman (who, by the way, shouldn’t be called *sound* man, he didn’t give a shit about the sound!), the bar staff (who were very nice folks serving our Guinnesses) and a few friends who were supportive enough to leave their homes and face the rain just to see us live.

I’d like to thank you all who came down to see us live! You guys made our gigs much more fun, trust me! Also thank you all myspace friends (and facebook) for your comments and messages. I’ve been trying to reply to every single one, and I will, eventually! I really appreciate your support!

So now after all the gigs and beers the question is: what’s next?

Some of you have been asking us, others have been suggesting (and some others demanding), so now I guess the time has come to record a couple of new songs!

We will probably record four tracks for our new EP (maybe five?). Let’s see what happens.

Stay tuned and keep an ‘ear’ out for our new music here very soon.

Rock on!!


  • 25th Oct 2009

guess what?

A picture is worth a thousand words…

  • 11th Nov 2009

autumn ’09

Hey guys,

As some of you might know, last month we recorded our new EP. I finished the mastering a couple of days ago and it sounds pretty cool! Now I’ve been working on the artwork. In fact it is all done but I am just waiting for the licensing of the cover picture to go ahead.

I fucking love it and hopefully you will too! The EP should be out in the beginning of December (if the licensing goes well), stay tuned!

Talking about the line up now, our drummer Mike Lasota has left the band. He moved back to his home land Poland and didn’t even stay in the UK long enough to record our EP so I had to count on a little help from my good old friend Cesar Dellore to record the drums (studio photos coming soon).

I know Cesar for about 8 years and funnily enough this was the first time we ever got to play together! He did an amazing job on the drums, just wait till you hear it!

Unfortunately he stayed in London only for a couple of months and now he is back in Sao Paulo to finish his university. It would be great to have him in the band! Who knows someday?

We ended up recording 5 songs instead of 4 thanks again to Cesar who in the studio said “C’mon mate! We have 5 minutes left, let’s play my favourite old song”. He fucking nailed it in ONE TAKE! I couldn’t believe it!

And still speaking of the line up, last month we had another change: our bassist Steve Reddihough left to concentrate on his other band Treason. He is on my top friends andTreason have some really cool tunes, check it out!

Good luck with that Steve (I know you are reading this, mate). We know that Treasonand Lost Gravity will play some gigs together next year!

Now back to the EP, as we didn’t have a bassist I took the risk and ended up recording all the bass lines meself. I had fun doing it I must say.

We are currently auditioning bassists. I am sure we gonna have someone new on the 4 strings soon!

One last thing, I have a question for you (if you are reading this shall we put the EP out on Itunes? Spotify? Amazon? Myspace? Lastfm? Proper cd? Wal-mart? I really wish we were still in the old days where you recorded something and put the thing on a black vinyl… the music smelt better back then!

Alrite guys, that’s it for now. Thank you for reading and for all your support!

Keep rocking!


  • 17th Nov 2009

new drummer

Hey guys, just a quick note to say that we have a new drummer, Victor Stoyanov.

On Fri 20/11 at Camden Rock we are playing our first gig with the new line up (and last gig of the year, btw). Come down see us live if you are in town!

On a different note, I am still waiting for the EP cover to go ahead… it’s been delayed now for almost 2 weeks… it is f****** annoying!

Alrite, that’s it for now… rock on!!


  • 24th Nov 2009


Hello folks,

Just a quick note to say that I have finally received the image I been waiting for to use on the EP cover! The whole thing got delayed for almost 3 weeks but now it is all done! I will upload the cover here as soon as I get the licensing contract!

Changing the subject, I would like to thank all of you who came down to our gig last Friday! It was a good gig but unfortunately the sound didn’t help much. It is pretty shit to play without soundcheck, especially when we turn up early enough to sound check! Another thing that didn’t help much was the fact that we only had one rehearsal as a full band before the gig. And I would like to thank our ex-bassist Steve for helping us out! It was good to have you onstage, mate! Hope you had a good time too!

Alrite guys, that’s it for now.

Rock on!!


  • 1st Dec 2009

Selfish EPCategory: Music

Hey guys,

Just wanted to show you the cover of our new EP, Selfish.


We’re hoping to get the cds before Christmas (just in case you want a copy).

Some news songs will be uploaded here soon. Stay tuned!

Rock on!


  •  3rd Dec 2009


Hey, just a quick note to say that we have a new bassist, Richard Waldie.

Now we can start booking gigs for 2010!

Rock on!


  • 5th Dec 2009

Selfish EP – detailsCategory: Music

Just wanted to let you know that our new EP Selfishis coming out on Mon 14.12.09 and it will be available exclusively here for £4. The physical cd includes one bonus track that won’t be found anywhere else.

You can now hear the EP on our myspace player (not the bonus track though). Check it out and let us know what you think.Tracklist:1. SELFISH (Val)2. FRIENDLY FIRE (Val)3. ALL THE SAME (Val)4. HEAL (Billin)5. NO WAY OUT (bonus track) (Val/Knowles)

℗ 2009 Priston Records© 2009 Priston Recordsall rights reserved

  • 15th Dec 2009

SELFISH EP – OUT NOW!!!Category: Music

Hey guys,

Our new EP Selfishis out now! Exclusively available via myspace (only £2.99) you can buy it using any credit/debit card or paypal (just click the “buy now” button on our profile).

The EP comes with an exclusive bonus track No Way Outwhich won’t be found anywhere else.

Support the band, keep the music alive, buy the EP, crank it up and rock on!!


  • 3rd Jan 2010


Hey guys, sup? Nice holidays? Too much booze?

As the subject line says, we have a new myspace layout with links to “” (youtube, facebook, lastfm, etc.).

Also, we now have a virtual shop where you can buy some Lost Gravity items. Check it out! (more stuff coming soon).

All the best for 2010!  It’s gonna be a great year!!


  • 6th Jan 2010


Hey guys, sup?

Hope ya’all are well and having a good time!

Just wanted to report something that happened tonite, really shit tbh…I never blog about this sort of thing but tonite I feel that I really have to…

I was out at my mate’s bday (well, not sure if I can use the word “mate” here anymore) having a good time and drinking with some really good friends when out of the blue the birthday fellah turn to me and started giving me lots of shit!

It just made me think about personal values and about people that we think they are our friends and we respect them until they show us their true colours.

Sad but true (as Mr. Hetfield would say)…. But what doesn’t kill me, only makes me stronger (as Mr. Mustaine would say).

Hope you are all having a good start of 2010 and hope u don’t let yourself down cos of some shit given to you by your “so called” friends. Please, believe in yourself!!



  • 17th Jan 2010

How to donate to the UK Haiti Earthquake appeal

  • 8th Feb 2010

Feb ’10

Hello folks, I hope 2010 is treating you all well!

Our year has started pretty good, thx! We have received many gig offers and we will try to play ‘everywhere’ this year!

Also I am very happy with the feedback I have received on our EP! Not only from friends which usually say “yeah, it sounds cool” (although some of them have been very harsh… thx anyway guys ) but from everyone who bought it or listened to it online.

Last Sunday we played our first gig with our new bassist Richard and it went really well! We had a really good time onstage and the band sounded tight (specially considering that we had only 3 rehearsals with the new line up).

The plan now is to write some new songs and try to get gigs where they let us play for more than one hour!

And to finish this blog the latest news: We are now on iTunes, Amazon, Napster, eMusic and Rhapsody. That means that you can now have our music on your ipod! Have you lost gravity yet?

Rock on!!


  • 25th Feb 2010

Evolution Guitar – “Selfish” cd review

Check it out:

  • 18th Mar 2010

début interview on Total Rock Radio

Hey guys,

Just a quick note to say that tonight we are gonna be on Anarchy on the Airwaves show on Total Rock Radio. Log on to from 6pm UK time. If you have any questions or requests just email

This is gonna be our first radio interview and we’re very much looking forward to it!

Rock on!


  • 21st Apr 2010

Apr ’10

Hey guys, sup?

It’s been a while since my last update and I’ll try to remember now what has happened in the last 2 months. I guess I will have to take a look at the photos here to refresh my memory cos I really can’t remember much…haha

On the 25/02 we played at The Cross Kings again which was really cool! The band sounded lot tighter than our previous gig (The Water Rats, 31/01/10) and after we finished our set people wanted to hear more so we had a jam on Metallica’s Sandman! Yeah, it was just “a jam”…lol Those of you who were there know why I am saying that. Our drummer Victor slightly “changed” the structure of the song and meself slightly fucked up the solo…lol Still, people were headbanging at the front of the stage! Everyone loves that song, even if it is a pretty fuct jam!

On the 03/03 we played at Belushi’s in CamdenTown, I remember that gig very well cos it was one of our best ones to that day! We simply blew off the roof and even the other bands playing that night got impressed by our performance. It was great! After the gig the pub’s manager came over to say that he wanted us to play there again and asking if we could do a 90mins set! It feels good when we give our best and people recognize it!

On the 10/03 we played a band’s competition called Surface Unsigned. The gig was at a decent venue called The Boston Music Rooms, it is just a shame that the promoters were not as decent as the venue!

That was our first (and last!) experience doing battle of the bands. I say last time because the whole thing was rigged! From being ripped off having to pay £50 (about 80 American dollars) to play a 20 minutes set then having to bring people to “vote” for us and also give them more money by sending sms that cost £1 to get more “votes”! The whole thing just sounds wrong! And to make things worse, there was an “industry” guy voting for the best bands (mind you, his vote counted 30x more than audience vote). After the gig I had a chat with the fella and funnily enough he voted for the band that he is promoting! How fair was the judge?

I wonder how come people can get away with something like that… and still make money from bands like us who believed that it was a “fair” competition where the best bands would go through.

Just to finish this subject off, when we had a look at the ‘audience votes’ this same band supported by the judge (or shall I say sponsored?) had over 250 votes!! I wonder how it was possible to get more than 250 votes if there were about 50 people in the audience? Anyway, we all just laughed about it… shame we didn’t get our 50 quid back though!

On the 18/03 we had our first radio interview! I would like to say thanks again to Mad Maz (Total Rock Radio) for having me on the show, it was great! Our whole EP was played and meself could choose some of the songs on the show. Not surprisingly I chose some of my favourite bands (AC/DC’s riff raff, Zeppelin’s the song remains the same, Megadeth’s hangar 18 and Metallica’s and justice for all). If you missed the show, the interview is available on our myspace player, check it out!

So moving on, we played the 12 Bar on the 26/03. It was a very “cold” gig! We were playing to the wrong crowd really (mainly fans of indie music… yeah, London is still indie!lol). Bring on America!!

We started off with Selfish followed by Friendly Fire and everything was going well… very well until there was almost no reaction from the crowd (apart from the few people who turned up to support us). Then on the chairs upstairs someone fell asleep (I had seen something like that a couple of years ago at The Pogues concert when an old lady slept all the way through concert, but I never imagined anyone sleeping on a Lost Gravity gig!!). I don’t think we sounded shit! Probably the bloke was just hammered and decided to have a kip while we rocked the stage. Anyway, seeing that scene plus not having a good reception from the crowd just put us down and in the end it was not a good gig! After the gig we were asking each other what had happened! Especially considering that the last 2 gigs were our best 2 ever!!

One day later we played at The Grosvenor. We all had the feeling that we had to make up for the night before and so we did! It was a great gig (probably our best ever!) and whoever was there seemed to have a good time seeing us on stage! I’d like to say thanks to our friend from Bleed To This for having us on the bill! (you can check them out on our top friends)

That night we finished our set with Enter Sandman, this time it was not “just a jam”, we actually played the song right…lol And again it went down very well with the crowd!

This coming Friday 23/4 we will be playing in Croydon for the first time, thanks again to our friends from Bleed To This. Our good friends from Treason will also be on the bill and it is gonna be a great night, I can feel it! If you are about come down for some of the hottest rock/metal bands in town!

So, that’s it for now, folks… I think this blog is long enough and I bet many of you have just read the first and last lines!  Thanks anyway for checking us out and supporting us!

Rock on!!


  • 13th Jul 2010

Hey guys, just a quick note:

Lost Gravity will be aired on  show, tomorrow Wed 14th of July!

Just click on ROCK DELI #41



  • 11th Oct 2010

rock on!!

  • 12th Oct 2010

Hey guys, we have lots of new stuff available from zazzle.

Have you Lost Gravity yet?

Rock on!!

  • Nov 2010

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